During milan design week 2015, we created a temporary showroom for our own design label Beyond Object in designjunction.
Called “Beyond Gravity”, the installation of the pop-up showroom is a futuristic space with metallic columns and LED light pillars. The products are displayed between the cutting sections of the columns, where the objects appear to defy gravity.
The objects displayed here are the new desktop collection Beyond Object launched in Maison et Objet early this year, including a tape dispenser, letter opener, pencil sharpener and a pen pot.
Inspired by the metallic desktop collection itself, we want to create a space where the space and object speaks for itself. The products in the collection has a bit of sculptural and architectural character, therefore people would usually take a bit of time to figure out what is this object and its function when they first encounter this collection. So we want to create a visual scenario in this installation where people can engage with our designs from more perspectives.